2 Burglary Suspects Shot, 1 Dies in Central Valley
Article Source: http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/2-burglary-suspects-shot-1-dies-central-valley

(Bizuayehu Tefaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal)
By Wesley Juhl
Las Vegas Review-Journal
A homeowner shot two juveniles, one fatally, who police said were burglarizing a central valley home Wednesday morning.
Las Vegas police were originally dispatched at 11:16 a.m. to the 1400 block of Daybreak Road, near Torrey Pines and Vegas drives, to look into a call about a burglary. Department spokesman Jesse Roybal said one person died at the scene and another was in critical condition, and both are suspects in the burglary.
Metro Lt. Dan McGrath said a man was upstairs sleeping when he heard a crash.
He grabbed his handgun and fired several shots at a boy by a window, he said. The homeowner then saw another boy coming up the stairs to the second floor and shot him.
He died in the doorway, McGrath said. The first boy was discovered bleeding and moaning in the backyard of an adjoining residence after he left the home through the window.
He was taken to University Medical Center for surgery. He had two gunshot wounds and was described in critical condition Wednesday afternoon.
The two juveniles who were shot were described as 17 year olds. A third boy, 13, was outside the home. McGrath said that boy came with the other two and was likely acting as a lookout.
Neighbors who gathered at the scene talked about multiple burglaries that have happened in the neighborhood recently. McGrath said residential burglaries are, historically, a problem in the area, but said he hadn't seen any evidence yet tying the boys to other property crimes.
Sabina Fajardo, 18, was watching police work with her brother-in-law and said her boyfriend had his stereo stolen from his car last week.
"I don't think it's a bad neighborhood," she said. "I feel like things just happen when they're not supposed to."
Coleman Park, less than a block away from the two crime scenes, is a popular hangout for neighborhood children.
Fausto Lopez, 10, accompanied Fajardo and said he may have an idea who the burglars were.
About two weeks ago some boys that live by him broke into a nearby abandoned home and started a fire.
"I think the burglars were robbing people's presents." He said. "I think it was them."
Fajardo wondered about the race of the homeowner who shot the boys, who are black, but said her main concern was the neighborhood children.
"I think it's scary. There's a lot of kids here," she said.
McGrath said that people have a right to defend themselves in their homes, but the homicide investigation was going to look at every fact before police decide whether to suggest criminal charges.
"We'll go into every little detail," he said.
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